The Eighth Continent

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    Delivering the Letter (Lena-Kai-Robbie)

    Robbie Gauge
    Robbie Gauge
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    Delivering the Letter (Lena-Kai-Robbie) Empty Delivering the Letter (Lena-Kai-Robbie)

    Post  Robbie Gauge Fri Jul 12, 2013 10:32 am

    Robbie leads Lena and Kai to the entrance to King Coal's castle. He is waiting outside of the castle gates for Lena and Kai to be ready to go in. He would need whoever had the letter to take the lead now as he wouldn't be able to take them any further without them showing someone the letter. He wondered how it would work out and hoped that King Coal would be a kind king and not hold it against them if there was any bad news in the letter.
    Lena Savicheva
    Lena Savicheva
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    Delivering the Letter (Lena-Kai-Robbie) Empty Re: Delivering the Letter (Lena-Kai-Robbie)

    Post  Lena Savicheva Fri Aug 02, 2013 2:25 pm

    Lena followed Robbie's lead and stood besides him with her arms akimbo to her hips, waiting for Kai to present the troublesome letter. Impatient as ever, she only wanted to deliver the bloody message and make her leave. Its content was of little interest to her. She only hoped the news wouldn't cause any trouble for them.

    *I think we've had enough fuss for one day.*
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    Delivering the Letter (Lena-Kai-Robbie) Empty Re: Delivering the Letter (Lena-Kai-Robbie)

    Post  NPC Event Fri Aug 02, 2013 2:25 pm

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    Kai Takeo
    Kai Takeo
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    Delivering the Letter (Lena-Kai-Robbie) Empty Re: Delivering the Letter (Lena-Kai-Robbie)

    Post  Kai Takeo Fri Aug 02, 2013 4:00 pm

    (Since I am not an Admin and do not know the specifics of this quest: whether it's plot or just a random quest, whether I should play npc's or not, what the end result will be... this post is subject to editing or deleting depending on if it works with what the admin's desire.  I will lead us to a point where either an admin can jump in with an npc or they can guide us to what is supposed to happen)

    Kai followed Robbie and Lena to the castle gates.  Seeing a pair of guards at the entrance, he greets them.  "Excuse me.  We are on Quest to deliver this letter from Mr. Von Rosenberg in Mendefera to King Coal.  Could you guide us to him?"  He shows them the letter but does not give it to them; this was to be delivered by them, he wouldn't entrust his quest for someone else to take care of and possibly screw up.  

    Seeing the seal on the letter was authentic, one of the guards agrees to see them to the king while the other stays at the gates.  "Follow me."  He leads them through corridor after corridor, deeper into the castle.  There were guards stationed throughout, and servants cleaning as they past.  Finally reaching a pair of doors with more guards outside, he speaks quietly to one of them.  that guard then asks Kai, Robbie, and Lena to wait outside as he goes in to explain the situation.  A few minutes pass and he returns saying, "The King will see you now."

    Kai follows the guard into the room, not knowing what to expect.

    (I will leave it here since, as stated above, I'm not sure what is supposed to happen, or what the King is like or looks like, etc.  Admins can feel free to jump in here with an NPC character or Robbie may know what to do from here and can play it in his post)
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    Delivering the Letter (Lena-Kai-Robbie) Empty Re: Delivering the Letter (Lena-Kai-Robbie)

    Post  NPC Event Sun Aug 11, 2013 12:05 pm

    The three would walk through the door to see and old human man sitting on a chair, he was dressed in rather flashy colors. The old man would stand up a crown barle saying on his head. “ahh my fiddlers three! You have a letter for the?” he was speaking to the three who just walked in. he got up from his chair his old bone creaking easy enough to hear. He hobbled over to them rather hunched over. He then threw three odd instruments at their feet. “Play me a song before you read.” The man was not the most sane it would seem. The instruments where a paddle ball a triangle and a conch shell.
    Robbie Gauge
    Robbie Gauge
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    Delivering the Letter (Lena-Kai-Robbie) Empty Re: Delivering the Letter (Lena-Kai-Robbie)

    Post  Robbie Gauge Wed Aug 21, 2013 11:02 am

    Robbie was blunt as ever in his response which might get him in trouble in this case. "Ah, the rumors are true then. You have become insane." Robbie just stands there not making a move towards the instruments. "I will not play music for you. The true business here is the letter." Robbie stands there looking completely unaware that the first remark might anger the king or his guards. Robbie wants to leave as soon as possible.
    Lena Savicheva
    Lena Savicheva
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    Delivering the Letter (Lena-Kai-Robbie) Empty Re: Delivering the Letter (Lena-Kai-Robbie)

    Post  Lena Savicheva Thu Aug 22, 2013 1:46 pm

    Lena raised an eyebrow at the king's request. She looked down at the 'instruments' for a few seconds, rolled her eyes, and let out a sigh, wondering if their situation could get even more troublesome.

    "I'm with handsome," Lena said, giving a slight nod at Robbie's statement, "so please just take your letter and give us our reward so we can be on our way." She was aware that their tounges might get them into trouble, but rather than appeasing the insaine king, she would much rather show support to her allies.
    Kai Takeo
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    Delivering the Letter (Lena-Kai-Robbie) Empty Re: Delivering the Letter (Lena-Kai-Robbie)

    Post  Kai Takeo Sat Aug 24, 2013 10:16 am

    Looking from the King to the so-called-instruments, Kai wasn't sure what to do.  The King obviously wasn't all there, yet how is he still King?  He must have some very good retainers working under him to keep the land from turning into dispair in their King's failing mental health.

    Kai winced slightly at Robbies words, calling a King insane might not be the most diplomatic thing he'd ever heard.  Then, hearing Lena's input, he closed his eyes almost in pain...  *These two will end up getting me thrown in jail, I'm sure of it*  He agreed with them fully, but it was never a good idea to piss off royalty.  Trying to lessen the insult of these two yet show he was with them in his thinking, he mearly states, "Forgive me Sir King, but I do not have any musical abilities.  We were told not to open the letter, but to deliver it.  With your regards, we would like to complete our quest."  He extends the letter to the King, hopefully he would take it and they could get their reward and get out of here before anything happened to upset his good mood too much.
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    Delivering the Letter (Lena-Kai-Robbie) Empty Re: Delivering the Letter (Lena-Kai-Robbie)

    Post  NPC Event Mon Sep 02, 2013 7:49 pm

    The old king chuckle to him self as they all refused his wishes. “well then I cant be held accountable for you threes demise then. I tried to help.” The old king picked up the conch shell. “none of you will play but if you did you would lift the curse off you three that letter was cursed.” The oldman would say holding one hand to his heart and holding the conch out to Robbie. “now play or you want to stay?” the old man was quite bizarre who would curse a letter to make people stay in this old mans court but if one thinks about it just staying in this old mans presence would drive any one insane to the point this was torture.
    Robbie Gauge
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    Delivering the Letter (Lena-Kai-Robbie) Empty Re: Delivering the Letter (Lena-Kai-Robbie)

    Post  Robbie Gauge Sun Sep 08, 2013 2:08 pm

    Robbie's eyes narrow as he looks at the king and listens to him say something about the letter being cursed. The king hands the conch to Robbie and Robbie takes it. He grips it in his hand tight enough that his knuckles are turning white.

    "Are you toying with us for your amusement? How would a letter sent from someone else trap us in your court? And of course you would just naturally have the items on hand to break the curse. We came here to do you a service, not to be ridiculed." he says as he throws the conch shell into the ground breaking it.
    Lena Savicheva
    Lena Savicheva
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    Delivering the Letter (Lena-Kai-Robbie) Empty Re: Delivering the Letter (Lena-Kai-Robbie)

    Post  Lena Savicheva Wed Sep 11, 2013 2:44 am

    Lena's eyes went from Kai to Robbie as they spoke. She couldn't help but notice how passive-agressive Kai was, choosing his words carefully, non-spitefully, rationally, while Robbie didn't seem to care who this man was, he just spoke freely, frankly, and fearlessly.
    She wondered whether their opposite ways of thinking would ever become an issue in their group until the sound of the conch breaking into bits interrupted her train-of-thought.
    "This is ridiculous." Lena mumbled under her breath. She crossed her arms and pouted. Arguing with a crazy old man seemed pointless, but then again, so did pretending to play a stupid conch. Feeling cranky, hungry, and tired, Lena decided to stand down and watch the events unfold. After all, Robbie had already spoke what was on her mind.
    Kai Takeo
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    Delivering the Letter (Lena-Kai-Robbie) Empty Re: Delivering the Letter (Lena-Kai-Robbie)

    Post  Kai Takeo Wed Sep 11, 2013 7:47 pm

    Even Kai's good will had a limit, but he held on, regardless of what an obviously senile old man said.  But in his heart he was rooting Robbie on, though his brain was wishing he'd stop or they'd wind up in jail.  At least Lena hadn't broken anything, though she was obviously angry enough to.  Seeing as she, as well as he and Robbie, were hungry and tired, he tried once more to wrap things up here so they could be on their way.

    "Here is your letter, Sir King.  We would like to finish our quest quickly if you please, maybe the next people who walk in will be able to play your instruments for you."  Holding the letter to the King once again, he prayed the old man would just take it and leave them alone.
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    Delivering the Letter (Lena-Kai-Robbie) Empty Re: Delivering the Letter (Lena-Kai-Robbie)

    Post  NPC Event Sun Sep 29, 2013 4:51 pm

    The king started to cackle and laugh he would walk away from them all the old king would way his hand. Then three gaurds came up to to them one was a rather plump looking female more or less his daughter but they wouldn’t know... tell now. “oh thank heavens you didn’t do as he said hes rather delusional so I am here in his stead. Please forgive him hes not well.” the rather plump female would take the letter and open it. Her face went in to a sigh. “mr.von puts more effort in to his name then his letters. The letter just says hi.” she would turn the letter to the groupe and they would see vons name written out in fancy letters and gold lettering. The hi was in plain letters and black ink.

    “the guards on the way out will hand you compensation or dealing with my father.” she took the letter away in to another room.
    Robbie Gauge
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    Delivering the Letter (Lena-Kai-Robbie) Empty Re: Delivering the Letter (Lena-Kai-Robbie)

    Post  Robbie Gauge Wed Oct 23, 2013 8:36 pm

    Robbie looks at the letter and closes his eyes for a second. He turns and walks towards the door really briskly. He didn't care about compensation, he just wanted to get out of the city. He marches past the guard and turns towards the cities gate. Who would be numb enough to send a message that said Hi? Robbie is already halfway to the gate. Robbie was not one to lose his cool but somehow he couldn't help himself.
    Lena Savicheva
    Lena Savicheva
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    Delivering the Letter (Lena-Kai-Robbie) Empty Re: Delivering the Letter (Lena-Kai-Robbie)

    Post  Lena Savicheva Sat Mar 22, 2014 10:56 pm

    Lena rubbed her temples gently. The whole situation, coupled with having no time to actually rest, had begun to give her a small headache. She let out a sigh, which acted as a stress reboot for her body, upon seeing Robbie bail on them.
    She turned to Kai and spoke to the minotaur, "Well, I guess its just you and me again."
    She placed her hands akimbo to her hips, "Shall we go?"
    At this point, Lena was just eager to get back to rampart, get a good meal, and relax.
    Kai Takeo
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    Delivering the Letter (Lena-Kai-Robbie) Empty Re: Delivering the Letter (Lena-Kai-Robbie)

    Post  Kai Takeo Sun Mar 30, 2014 9:51 pm

    Kai was confused that the note had only said 'Hi' but he didn't get angry over it like Robbie did.  He found it almost funny, it seemed like the world he'd left behind still had some interesting characters in it.  If he continued to travel like he was with Lena, he had a feeling he'd get to see more and more of them.

    He watched Robbie storm off and listened to Lena speak.  She was tired and hungry, he was also.  "Sure, lets get our compensation for this quest and grab something to eat. I'll even buy you a drink," he laughed.  He was walking out the doorway when he found the guard and was handed his compensation of 1000 gold.


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